Incrementalism In Policy Making

Human Resource Management Incrementalism In Policy Making

Incrementalism in Policy Making

Consider what you have learned about the Patient Protection and ACA, the uninsured population, health disparities, and programs and policies intended to improve quality of care and health outcomes while reducing healthcare expenditure. Summarize your thoughts on the future of healthcare given the provisions of the ACA—changes to Medicare and Medicaid, the individual mandate, etc.—and whether or not current efforts are sufficient to reduce disparities in healthcare and improve healthcare outcomes.

Evaluate the impact that the ACA has and will have on the uninsured population in the U.S.
Discuss the current successes and failures of this act.
Discuss the implications of this act’s successes and failures.
Explain specific policy changes that could be made to the ACA to improve its impact on overall health outcomes in the U.S.

From the Internet, review the following:

U.S. Health Policy Gateway. (n.d.). ACA Impact Analysis. Retrieved from

Submission Details:

Submit your response in a 4- to 6-page Microsoft Word document.
On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format.

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